Poaceae or Gramineae is a huge and almost universal family of monocotyledonous flowering plants.
Poaceae grass family has more than 10,000 species, becoming one of the largest families of flowering plants.
The Poaceae are the most valuable resource providing global's dietary energy. They supply, through direct human consumption, just over one-part (51%) of all dietary energy; wheat supplies 20%, rice provides 20%, corn(Maize) 5.5%, and other grains 6%.
The flowers are generally pollinated. Many kinds of grass are cultivated as ornamental plants and for yards, and many are staple cereal crops. The following is a list of some of the genera and species in Poaceae.
- bamboo
- wheat
- wheatgrass
- wild oat
- wild rice
- goatgrass
- golden top
- grama grass
- wild rye
- windmill grass
- corn
- genus Zoysia
- barley
- barnyard grass
- esparto
- fescue
- foxtail
- giant reed
- hare’s-tail grass
- muhly
- natal grass
- needlegrass
- oat grass
- beach grass
- bentgrass
- Bermuda grass
- bluegrass
- bluestem
- bromegrass
- carpet grass
- cogon grass
- Indian grass
- Job’s tears
- love grass
- millet
- genus Miscanthus
- common reed
- cordgrass
- crabgrass
- curly mesquite
- oil grass
- orchard grass
- pampas grass
- genus Panicum
- genus Paspalum
- genus Pennisetum
- plume grass
- quackgrass
- quaking grass
- rice
- rye
- ryegrass
- sandbur
- genus Sorghum
- genus Stenotaphrum
- sugarcane
- sweet vernal grass
- teff
- timothy
- triticale
- velvet grass
- vetiver