What Makes a Person Attractive? | Personality, Psychology, Body Language

Does society see attractive people with a gentler view, offering them benefits that less-attractive people do not get? What describes the beauty of form and face? If you have ever thought about you are attractive or not, learn some secrets from the universal definition of beauty. Differentiate what you learn with your own face in the mirror. Find the basic truth about attractive people.

What Makes a Person Attractive?

Studies have revealed that attractive people can earn up to 14 percent more money yearly than their less attractive peers. While few of this is based on appearance alone, It also depends on how you treat people and what kind of people you connect with. 

According to science, here are some ways to become more attractive. 

Attractive Body Language 

Open body language is more appealing than any outfit, or hairstyle.

1. Carry yourself with confidence 

Many people think the confidence to be the most attractive quality in a person. It creates an aura that attracts people. Take some time to work on confidence with positive thinking and self-affirmation. 

2. Use the right amount of eye contact 

The right amount of eye contact provides the impression of confidence. On the other hand, turning your gaze downwards when someone is talking to you makes you feel insecure and less attractive. 

3. Give genuine compliments 

Giving effective compliments empowers those around you and makes them feel good, leading them to attract towards you. This kind of positivity will help you stand out and leaves a fine impression. 

4. Have a good attitude 

Having a positive attitude makes the people around you feel good and they will spend more time with you. When you talk to people, don't complain, shout or talk badly about others. Instead, focus on positivity, look for the good in others, and be grateful for the blessings in your life. 

How to Have an Attractive Personality? 

People say you have a great personality if they like you. Every person wants to be liked, but it isn’t only limited to outlooks. Your personality is you; how you think, feel, and behave. You should definitely improve and strengthen your personality, but not for others, do it for yourself. Love and take care of yourself to develop a great personality. 

1. Learn Social Skills 

It is said that our true nature is hidden behind our tongues. 

People with good personalities are worth choosing. No one will get an opportunity to know about you if you can't communicate with them. People rate us by the way we communicate. You need to sharpen your social skills to build a better relationship with the people near you. 

Don’t say something that the others don't like. Speak according to other people's understanding. Having good social skills will make people spot you as a strong personality. 

What Makes a Person Attractive?

2. Develop a Dressing Sense 

People address you the way you dress. You need to know the type of dressing that makes you feel confident and looks good on you. 

Always wear sharp clothes but they should not appear like you're overdressed. The best outfit is one in which it doesn't seem like you took time to prepare and also looks good. 

3. Make Others Feel Good in Your Company 

Don't only talk about yourself to reveal that you have a great personality. other people will automatically feel that personality if you have that. They perceive it by developing an image of you based on your characteristics. You need to shape those features to improve yourself. Be great, but don’t tell anyone else.  

Converse about them when you are in their company. The people surrounding you should feel confident and feel better when they are in your company. Do not point out their flaws or shortcomings; Just support them for who they are and how they can be improved. 

4. Show Only an Optimistic Side 

Negative people just spread negativity. As a male/female with a great personality, try to always discover the best in every situation. We all feel down every now and then. Don't try to show that side of you to anyone. Every time appear cheerful and happy with life even with all difficulties. 

Some ways to become more attractive 

1. Smile Everyday 

Smiling people look healthier and more attractive than having the right weight or wearing make-up. Smiling is something that everybody understands, regardless of language or culture. 

It's always the initial form of conversation you share with others. 

People whose relaxed faces looked cheerful were decided to be in better health than those who looked pathetic. 

2. Select a Sexy Scent 

A number of people actually choose their partners by subconsciously being attracted to the scent of another person's pheromones.

As stated by the Social Issues Research Centre, both men and women are attracted to certain scents. Women prefer clean and mild scents to men rather than men who have a sweaty scent. 

Men are often attracted to women who prefer musk fragrance, probably because this scent makes a woman feel more sensual. 

3. Dress to Impress 

In fact, 91 percent of Americans believe that a well-dressed man can look more physically attractive than he really is, while almost two-thirds (64 percent) think that women are more likely to marry a well-dressed man. 

When choosing how to dress for a date, consider what your wardrobe says about you. You decide how other people want to understand you. Do you want to look practical and down-to-earth to attract someone with similar qualities? Maybe you would come across as rich or sexy instead. 

4. Be kind to peoples 

If a person is kind, it can make him look more attractive, and likable. One study expressed that bringing a positive character trait against someone's photo meant people evaluated them as better looking. 

The ascetic behavior is also compelling, probably because it was one of the qualities our ancestors chose in the mate. 

5. Voice

One analysis discovered that women like men with lower voices, Mainly before they begin ovulating. There may be something biologically inherent in this, as deeper sounds are associated with the formation of healthy children, and in the wild, the lower pitch is linked with being larger. 

According to another analysis, people who are more sexually experienced and report being sexually active have been assessed to get more attractive voices from strangers. 

6. Keep your chin up 

As part of a review published in 2011, titled "Facial Attractiveness: Evolutionary Based Research," people often see the large jaw as a masculine feature. 
The authors note that secondary sexual characteristics (such as defined cheekbones and large jaws) may indicate genetic assets. 

Other than that, men who take their chin up tend to be psychologically more determined and full of confidence, even if they are secretly self-conscious. It is also a more attractive position for the face as it helps to define the jawline, so try to keep your chin up when possible. 

Female body language attraction  

1. She plays with her hair 

This is the most subtle female body language sign of attraction. 

When we are talking about the signs of attraction of female body language we first talk about the involuntary signs of attraction. Have you observed that women often start playing with their hair when they are attracted to someone?

They will draw your attention to where they curl or bend or throw them over the shoulder. The reason behind pulling her hair back is to expose the soft flesh of her neck and her face which makes her look more attractive. 

2. She blinks a lot 

You might notice her blinking while conversing with you. Observe that her blinking is accompanied by a slight tilt in her head. She is not just blinking, but batting her eyelids to attract you. 

3. She laughs a lot 

She laughs a lot

How hard does she laugh at your jokes, also when they are not funny? If she is laughing, then you know she likes you. Even, she is attentive to your talking. 

If you share a social media group with her, she may respond more to your posts than others. 

4. Women make themselves more noticeable 

Does she walk by your desk often? Does she make herself present in the places frequented by you? These are subtle signs exhibited by her body language to show that she is sexually attracted to you. Women who are interested in a man will often make themselves more noticeable to a guy. This is a very clear way of showing their attention and attraction towards you. 

5. Tries to hang out with you 

She may be embarrassed to take a direct approach and try to hang out with you to clarify his motives. She will ask you for coffee dates or lunch and may be interested in spending time with you on the weekends. This is a subtle sign that she is interested in you. 

Signs a woman is attracted to you sexually  

On a precautionary note, the steps discussed below do not work with all girls. Therefore, you should keep your eyes open. Women express their intention in many ways to have sex with a man. Decipher them properly and respond to them. 

• She makes eye contact 

If she makes eye contact with you from time to time and looks at your lips, it means that your lips are disturbing her and she is thinking about how she feels to have them on hers. This is the way a girl deals with her attraction to you. 

Does she draw her eyes elsewhere the time she finds you looking at her, but has a little blush on her cheeks? Check if her pupils are bigger, that is a certain sign of sexual attraction. 

Many people choose to make eye contact during a conversation to show that they are giving attention. If she is simply making eye contact with you, then it may not be a sign of attraction. 

• Asks personal questions 

Personal questions are also a sign of attraction. These are the questions that come before the general introduction and getting to 'know you phase'. Try and note if she asks a personal question that has some inner value to establish a good relationship and bond with you. 

• Opens up about her sexuality when she is attracted 

She will not hesitate to express his sexual desires and fantasies with you. Only if a woman feels comfortable or attracted to you will she show this side of him. If she tries to involve you in sexual conversation, this is a method to let you know about her purpose in having sex with you. 

• She invites you to her place 

If each thing falls into place, she may invite you to her place for a drink or a catch-up. Don’t panic or push her, just go with the flow. It can also be the best night of your life. 

What makes someone attractive psychologically? 

• “I love you” has a more emotional effect on the brain when it's told softly into the left ear. 

If you’re trying to impress your loved partner with a romantic whisper, be sure to speak in his or her left ear. The MITcognet research discovers that when the emotion stimulus entered the left ear, the accuracy of recall was 6% higher than when the same stimulus entered the right ear. 

In dichotic listening studies, dichotic word‐pairs of emotion and non‐emotion words were told to participants. A total of 62 participants listened to emotion (e.g., loving, caring) and non‐emotion (e.g., combine, mix) words. The results proved left ear has benefits for emotion words. 

• Don't Be Boring 

John Medina, the New York Times best-selling author and biologist, found that the brain's attention span is very short-lived. Our brains are attracted to interesting, intriguing, exciting people and things. 

Sometimes we behave boringly because we are afraid of being seen as “weird” or “different”. So, we have the same brain-boring social script "What do you do?" And "Where are you from?". We don’t really share how we feel, we hide our feelings and try to fit in. 

• The Single Most Attractive Trait 

What do you turn on? Eyes? Humor? Feet? Research shows that the most compelling characteristic of a person is his availability. Yet, this is one of the most overlooked phases of how people act. And this is vital for every area of life. 

Showing up is NOT enough! You need to show emotionally you are available to connect. 

The best way to show availability is by demonstrating availability whether it's at a networking event, business meeting, party, or date. Show people that you want to link, converse, and start a relationship. 

• Facial traits 

There are some facial features that prove to be the most attractive. Sometimes it is the symmetry of the face, but other times it is the crooked smile or the special beauty spot that makes someone stand out. Average and smooth faces are often considered the most attractive, probably because standard faces represent a more diverse set of genes. 

Familiar faces, on the other hand, are the most compelling, as people can be more impacted by their personal experiences of life than anything else. 

What makes a male face attractive? 

A charming face and a clever mind make you attractive and also makes a good posture. 

What makes a male face attractive?

Get an average crop of facial hair too 

Studies believe that the full beard is not exactly attractive. Absolute beard is an indicator of masculinity and aggression. 

The studies believed that stubble is much better than a full beard or a clean shaved man. 

Get a dog 

The dog turns out to be your best wingman. One analysis sent two sets of men around a city asking for bus fares and phone numbers from random strangers.
Men walking with dogs had a good chance of getting a phone number and bus fare. 

Red is the sexy color 

Red is the official color of fantasy and attraction. Men dressed in red are associated with higher social status and being successful. 

If you look like her dad, you are in! 

Women really fall for men who look similar to their dads. Older women are also more attracted to men for the same reason. It is said that the girl finds her father in her husband. 

Get to the gym, get bigger muscles 

Large muscles are a sign of fine health and better genes. They subconsciously draw women, because a set of excellent genes for a partner is always the right choice. 

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