McDonald's to start removing plastic toys from their Happy Meals

More than one year ago, sisters Ella and Caitlin McEwan aged 10 and 8years, begin a petition calling on McDonald's and Burger King to stop supply plastic toys with happy children's meals. The petition has further collected more than half a million signatures.

McDonald's to start removing plastic toys from their Happy Meals

As it made them very sad and also us to see how plastic hurts wildlife and pollutes the ocean, and both these sisters want to bring change. They want Burger King and McDonald’s to imagine the environment and stop supplying plastic toys with their children's meals.  They like to eat at Burger King and McDonald’s, but children only enjoy the plastic toys they give us for some time and after they throw away.

Well-known fast-food chain McDonald’s decided to no longer put plastic toys in its Happy Meals. 

"This represents the biggest reduction in plastic by McDonald's UK and Ireland to date and is the next step in its mission to reduce its environmental impact across all areas of the business," McDonald’s said in a company statement. 

In two months, children will now be given the option to take a toy or a book in their Children's Meal.

The company will try to divert all plastic toys with a soft toy, a paper toy or a book in the UK and Ireland. This will reduce plastic use by 3,000 metric tons of the company.

In June last year, McDonald's declared a project to take out plastic lids from its McFlurry packing in all UK restaurants. They were diverted with cardboard lids.

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"Well done to McDonald's for taking action and considering the impact their products will have on those who will inherit the earth," said Sian Sutherland, co-founder of A Plastic Planet.

Every day about 8 million plastic pieces are entering the sea and there are presently 150 million approximately tons of plastic in the ocean. Everybody should avoid the use of plastic as much as possible, try to use other materials which cannot harm our mother earth.

Write in the comments below what you think about these McDonald's move to avoid plastic toys and your contribution to avoid plastic usage.

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