Silent heart attack symptoms that may be not recognized

Silent heart attack symptoms

A silent heart attack or silent ischemia (lack of oxygen) is called silent because it happens without warning a person about symptoms of heart problems such as extreme chest pain, breathing shortness, pain in the arm, neck or jaw, cold sweats and dizziness.

A silent heart attack occurs more in females than in males. It is the leading cause of death for women in the United States. 

Every 40 seconds, Someone in the US has a silent attack. 35,000 Women in the United States are reported to experience heart attacks each year. Out of 35,000 women, only 17,000 to 18,000 women are reported having chest pain. Every 1 in 5 American heart disease is reported to have these silent attacks.

Your heart requires oxygen-rich blood to work. If your heart experiences difficulty for blood flow then the chances of heart attack increase. And without nursing, they can be fatal. 

If fat and cholesterol form up in the arteries that migrate blood to the heart, this blood flow can be remarkably or entirely cut off. 

Silent heart attack symptoms

When it comes to heart attack symptoms males and females often come across akin feelings. A silent heart attack, known as a silent myocardial infarction (SMI) lacks the causticity of a classic attack. You can have any of these below-mentioned symptoms.

Coronary artery disease

Coronary artery disease is a type of heart disease influencing mainly the coronary artery. coronary arteries are the arteries that actually provide the blood and oxygen to different parts of the heart.
There are mainly three types of artery system the in heart
  • Left anterior descending artery
  • Right coronary artery
  • circumflex coronary artery
These arteries generate coronary artery disease with time and with risk factors such as Hypertension, High blood pressure, Diabetes, High cholesterol, smoking. Learning more about this greater risk factors

1. Hypertension or High blood pressure

Hypertension (HTN or HT) or high blood pressure (HBP) is a long-term health situation in which the blood pressure in the arteries is constantly raised. 

long-term conditions such as hormone problems, diabetes, kidney, and high cholesterol often lead to high blood pressure.

2. Diabetes

The cells in the pancreas that make insulin are killed by the immune system which leads to diabetes. Diabetes is caused by eating too many sugary foods. Diabetes symptoms are slow healing of cuts and wounds, frequent urination, blurry vision, fatigue.

3. High cholesterol

The body requires cholesterol to create healthy cells, but high cholesterol can raise the risk of heart disease. If the blood contains too much low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, then it is known as high cholesterol.

high cholesterol develops high-fat deposits in blood vessels. As these deposits grow, it makes it difficult for blood to circulate through arteries. High blood pressure and high cholesterol are also linked.

Fast foods, coconut oil, palm oil, palm kernel oil, high-fat dairy products such as milk, cream, cheese, yogurt, biscuits, and pastries can lead to High cholesterol.

high cholesterol can generate many health problems such as heart attack or stroke.

4. Smoking

smoking makes your heart work difficult as it raises the heart rate, tightens major arteries, and can cause a rough heart-healthy system. It raises blood pressure, which exceeds the risk of stroke.

one-fifth of all deaths from heart disease in the United States is due to Cigarette smoking. smoking results about a 70 percent higher death rate from coronary artery disease than nonsmokers.

Shortness of breath

Breathing shortness is known as dyspnea often labeled as an extreme toughness in the chest, breathlessness, breathing problems, or suffocation. If breathing problems begin all of sudden, it is called an acute case of dyspnea.

Very hard exercise, grossness, extreme altitude and high temperatures all can cause shortness of breath in a healthy lifestyle of a person. 

Anxiety-related diseases such as Asthma, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), heart failure, interstitial lung disease, psychogenic problems, and pneumonia are the general reasons for shortness of breath.

Breathing shortness may be a symptom of a more risky heart attack or lung disease.

Cold Sweats

Cold sweats occur when you unexpectedly feel a cold in your body that takes place along unusual sweating, without depending on temperature how warm or chill it is.
common causes for cold sweats are
  • Shock
  • Infection 
  • Nausea
  • Hypotension
  • menopause
  • stress
  • anxiety
  • migraines

cold sweat can lead to serious injury, heart attack, shock, shortness of breath, and diabetes. Cold sweats start with your palms, armpits, and soles.

Night sweats and cold sweats are different from each other, as night sweats are reported only during the night.


Dizziness is a sensation of rolling around and losing one's balance

General reasons for dizziness are migraines, medications, and alcohol. Inner ear problems, where equilibrium is managed can also lead to dizziness. Dizziness can lead you to heart attack and stroke.


Cardiac ultrasound, or EKG (electrocardiogram), or echocardiogram, can measure the heart attack or heart health by how much heart muscle has been damaged.

you should visit your doctors directly after experiencing symptoms such as fatigue, Chest pain, breathing problems, cold sweats. 
you should look out for medical attention If you undergo a typical change in how you feel no matter how subtle.

Regularly checkup doctors, control your blood pressure, exercise daily, eat healthy foods that are low in fat and low in cholesterol, and keep away from smoking to reduce the danger of a heart attack. Be conscious of your blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol.

Aspirin, beta-blockers, statins, fish oil are some of the medicines that help to get better blood flow to your heart and decrease the danger of having a heart attack.

you can create a large effect on your heart health by concentrating on what you do. Even, there are few dangerous factors you can't control, such as older age or heart disease in genes.

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