Seahorse is usually a fish. Seahorse breathes through their gills and has a swim bladder which is an air pocket inside their bodies to move ups and downs. The scientific name for seahorse is "Hippokampos", the word hippo means "horse" and word kampos means "sea monster". That's the reason they are known as a seahorse. they have round necks like a horse and prehensile tail of square cross-section. they can change the color of their body.Habitation
Seahorse has a life span of age about 1 to 5 years. They are found in the world's tropical and Temperate coastal waters. There are about 30-45 species of Seahorse. Seahorse males have brood pouch on their bodies. the female seahorse put about 1500-2000 eggs in male's pouch. seahorse young hatch after 45 days in the brood pouch. Seahorse eats too much about 40-50 times a day. they do not have a stomach, so food passes quickly.More details...
1 out of 1000 young seahorse usually saves due to predators. Seahorse are not great swimmers like fish, they prefer to rest in one area. Their bodies are covered with consecutive rings of body plates.Some species of seahorse
yellow seahorse, Big-Belly seahorse, Northern Seahorse, Dwarf seahorse, TigerTail seahorse, Spiny seahorse, Flat faces seahorse, cape seahorseThank you