What if the entire world turned vegan?

What if the entire world turned vegan?

What if the entire world turned vegan

If the whole population turns into a vegetarian, It has both a negative and positive impact on people's health, according to a study.

According to a study published by the US National Academy of Sciences, Turning everyone into a vegetarian will probably leave many people with various nutrient deficiencies.

Researchers decided to investigate the influence of the meat industry on greenhouse gas emissions and what would result if every person in the US follows a vegan diet. In developed countries, the average person eats about 40 kilos of meat every year, which is double or weigh as much as an adult dolphin. Experts now advise reducing the meat we eat to help lower the climate change.

About 15% of human-emitted greenhouse gases are from livestock production, If you become vegan, these emissions will be reduced. Eating meat gives us a lot of space and 80% of all farming land is devoted to meat and dairy production.

UN Climate Institute of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC), One report recommends that we reduce the amount of meat we all eat and also how much we waste. The study discovers that 8 to 10% of all global emissions reduce food loss and food waste.

When cows digest their food, they produce methane, a powerful greenhouse gas that is almost 28 times more powerful than carbon dioxide, and when the calf belches (burp), this methane is emitted.
One cow discharges 70 to 100 kilograms of methane per year and they are around 1.5 billion cattle in the world today.

Most of the meat is mass-produced by large-scale industries and this can have enormous environmental effects, but small-scale farming of animals can be a low environmental impact, and sometimes it can be beneficial for traditional grazing in terms of biodiversity.

Even vegan options can also come with their own problems, Large-scale production of soya can result in forest harvesting, While almond production needs a large quantity of water.

If everyone turns to a plant-based diet, It can bring some health benefits, One study believes that if everyone eats fresh fruit and vegetarian diets, around 8 million deaths worldwide will be avoided by 2050.

Plant-based dietary changes won't occur overnight, to enable farmers to reduce breeding while demand is falling. Also, global meat and dairy industries provide jobs for millions, often to the poorest public around the world.

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