What if everyone planted a tree?

What if everyone planted a tree?

It is estimated that we have cut down about half of the trees on the earth, so what if all of us 7.8 billion people planted a tree?

There are approximately 3 trillion trees on earth. The valuable step will be 7.8 billion more trees, We really need to move forward to make a significant difference in the environment.

Planting billions of trees around the world is one of the largest and cheapest ways to treat CO2 outside of the atmosphere in order to overcome the climate crisis.

As trees grow, they collect the carbon dioxide emissions that bring global heating. A new study considers that a globally planting program could emit two-thirds of all the emissions from human activities that are present in the atmosphere today.

Our planet is covered with about 30% of trees. Trees are tremendously supportive biodiversity and can reduce climate change, but we have been cutting them at a disturbing rate since the beginning of human civilization.

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But in fact, we estimate that if we planted 1.2 trillion trees, we will have cut a decade's worth of CO2-emissions by the time the forests mature.

Trees planted near the equator can be more advantageous because they grow very quickly in hot, wet and humid environments.

As the trees grow we had also seen an increase in biodiversity and start decomposing because they ahead with dead trees provide all kinds of fungi and organisms to live on top of this we can see a positive effect on our mental health.

Presently, it is considered that 15% of all greenhouse gas emissions are the result of cutting down trees (deforestation) because when we cut down trees they discharge carbon instead of absorbing it.

We are cutting 15 billion trees annually, which is about 41 million trees per day. 

So tree planting is a valuable part of tackling weather clutter. It will not be effective unless we reduce the number of cut off and make major changes to our way of life.

So if everyone on the planet planted a single tree it would be a powerful work. if we kept growing more trees and stopped cutting it, it would go a long way in protecting and securing our world.

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